Alfredo Haberli
Alfredo Häberli was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1964. He moved to Switzerland in 1977 and graduated 1991 with distinction in Industrial Design at the Höhere Schule für Gestaltung in Zurich. Today, he is an internationally established designer based in Zurich and is working for some of the leading companies of the international design industry. He manages to unite tradition with innovation, joy and energy in his designs and his work is strongly influenced by his early childhood in Argentina as well as his curiousness and studies in everyday life. The results are works with a strong expression and emotionality.
Alfredo Häberli’s work and designs have been shown in numerous and he has received many awards for his work during the latest years. In the recent years Alfredo Häberli received the prestigious Swiss Grand Prix of Design from the Swiss Federal Office of Culture.